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发布者:admin 发布时间:2013-6-19 阅读:5661

孩子身心健康是所有父母的心愿,安恩宝妈妈会所独创的会员尊贵服务,在专家指导下为妈妈提供顾问式育儿咨询,对宝宝生长发育每一个阶段的指标进行全程跟踪服务,让宝宝的体格、智能、情商都得到全方面的发展 。
The child health of body and mind is all parents wish, Anenpro mother club member of the original distinguished service, in under the guidance of experts for mother to provide consulting type parenting advice, to the baby growth each phase of the indicators for follow-up service, let the baby's physical, intelligent, emotional quotient are all aspects of the development of。

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